There are 7 town parks that offer hiking and walking trail systems. There are many scenic and photographic opportunities!
Feeder Canal Park: Richardson St, Open dawn to dusk.
Gurney Lane Recreation Area: 118 Gurney Lane, 150+ acre park with 5 trails ranging from 0.3 to 1.2 miles each with varying trails grades.
Hovey Pond Park: 25 Lafayette St, Walking & snow shoeing on the 1/4 mile loop around the pond. Open dawn to dusk.
Hudson Pointe Preserve: Hudson Pointe Blvd., Hiking, X-C Skiing, snow shoeing. Open dawn to dusk.
Meadowbrook Preserve: Meadowbook Rd., Hiking, X-C Skiing, snow shoeing. Open dawn to dusk.
Ridge/Jenkinsville Park: 133 Jenkinsville Rd., Multi-use athletic facility with walking track around the softball fields, 3 laps = 1 mile
Rush Pond Trail: West Mountain Rd. or Farr Lane access points, 2.2-mile pathway through the Rush Pond wetlands.
There are 5 town parks that offer quality trail systems for cross country trail running.
Feeder Canal Park: Richardson St, Open dawn to dusk.
Gurney Lane Recreation Area: 118 Gurney Lane, 150+ acre park with 5 trails ranging from 0.3 to 1.2 miles each with varying trails grades.
Hudson Pointe Preserve: Hudson Pointe Blvd., Hiking, X-C Skiing, snow shoeing. Open dawn to dusk.
Meadowbrook Preserve: Meadowbook Rd., Trail running, Hiking, X-C Skiing, snow shoeing. Open dawn to dusk.
Rush Pond Trail: West Mountain Rd. or Farr Lane access points, 2.2-mile pathway through the Rush Pond wetlands.